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- .-------------------------------------------------------------------------.
- | Greetings EACrs. If you are going to have a look through this code |
- | be warned. It is messy!! - Sorry but that's the way these scripts are!! |
- `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- DEC:CallGuard,Door1,Hole,Rock,fag,lighter,bucket,bed=1,keys1,rifle,OpenGate
- DEC:Guard3=1,DoorL,Ques1,Ques2,Ques3
- WINDOW:Tower Escape by Matt Briggs
- AUTHOR:Matt Briggs
- TITLE:TowerEscape
- .--------------------------.
- | Start of the adventure |
- `--------------------------'
- TRACKLOAD:EAC:Adventures/Data/TowerEscape/Tower.mod
- ILBM:EAC:Adventures/Data/TowerEscape/Tower.iff
- ADDTEXT:Inventory:
- You awake to find yourself in a dark, small cell like room. You have
- no recollection as to why you are here; Infact you can hardly remember
- anything at all. Laughter can be heard from outside your cell. You can
- also see a small bared hole in the wall.
- ADDOPTIF:CallGuard=0:Shout loudly:shout
- ADDOPTIF:CallGuard=1:Shout loudly:shout2
- ADDOPTIF:Door1=0:Bang on the door:bang_door
- ADDOPTIF:Rock=1:Bang on the door using the rock:rock_bang
- ADDOPTIF:Hole=0:Examine the hole:hole
- ADDOPTIF:Hole=1:Examine the hole:hole2
- .--------------------.
- | hole in the wall |
- `--------------------'
- PAGE:hole
- You peer through the small hole in the wall, seeing mostly light blue
- sky. You get the feeling that you are high up from the ground. There is
- nothing of any interest here.
- LET:Hole=1
- PAGE:hole2
- You peer through the hole once again, and see nothing but light blue
- sky again. You are about to turn and sit back down at your bed when a
- loose rock in the hole catches you attention.
- ADDOPT:Pull out the rock:take_rock
- ADDOPTIF:CallGuard=0:Shout loudly:shout
- ADDOPTIF:CallGuard=1:Shout loudly:shout2
- ADDOPTIF:Door1=0:Bang on the door:bang_door
- ADDOPTIF:Rock=1:Bang on the door using the rock:rock_bang
- PAGE:take_rock
- After managing to waggle out the loose rock, you sit back down at your
- bed. and have a look at it.
- LET:Rock=1
- LET:Hole=-1
- LET:Door1=-1
- .-----------------------.
- | Shout "Let me out!" |
- `-----------------------'
- PAGE:shout
- You shout "Let me out!" very loudly, causing the laughter from outside
- to fall silent. You can then hear movement of a chair and footsteps
- coming closer to the cell door. A key is then entered into the lock,
- and the door is slowly opened. A tall, fat bearded man stands in the
- path the open door way. "What do thou want?" says the guard.
- ADDOPT:Attack the guard:attack1
- ADDOPT:Ask why you are here:ask
- PAGE:shout2
- You shout "Let me out!" very loudly, causing the laughter from outside
- to fall silent once again. You then hear a guard shout "Shut you hole!".
- You realize that shouting will do no good.
- LET:CallGuard=-1
- .-------------------------------.
- | attack the guard - and die! |
- `-------------------------------'
- PAGE:attack1
- You attack the guard by throwing your leg in to him, causing him to bow
- down holding his stomach. You then punch him in the head several times,
- making him fall to the ground. After jumping over his body, you are are
- greeted by a second guard holding a rifle. You continue to run at the
- guard before meeting your death, as the guard fires twice at you.
- Game over.
- .----------------------.
- | Speak to the guard |
- `----------------------'
- PAGE:ask
- The guard chuckles loudly at you enquiry. "You will find out why your
- here in a few days time..." he says with a haunting look. Somehow
- you don't think why you are here is good at all. The impression of
- torture or execution crosses your mind, but you still have no idea
- as to why your here.
- ADDOPT:Attack the guard:attack1
- ADDOPT:Ask to see your solicitor:solicitor
- PAGE:solicitor
- LET:CallGuard=1
- You ask to see your solicitor, but the guard laughs even louder. "Get
- back in your cell!" instructs the guard. He then turns, leaves the
- cell and closes the door. You hope that maybe he may have forgotten to
- lock the door, but seconds later you hear the keys rattle and the door
- lock.
- PAGE:bang_door
- You bang on the door loudly, but your noise fails to attract any
- attention. The door is very solid and thick.
- LET:Door1=-1
- .-------------------------.
- | Bang on door, w. Rock |
- `-------------------------'
- PAGE:rock_bang
- You bang on the door as hard as you can with the rock, and soon a
- guard comes and opens your door. The guard is a fat, bearded man and he
- doesn't seem very impressed with the noise you have been making.
- "If you don't stop making a noise, I'll break your bloody neck" says the
- guard.
- ADDOPT:Attack the guard:attack2
- ADDOPT:Ask to be let out:ask_out
- PAGE:ask_out
- The guard laughs loudly at your request for freedom. "You want to be let
- out?" says the guard.
- "Yes, please" you reply.
- "Tough shit. now get back in your cell and shut up before I knock your
- soddin' lights out!" barks the guard.
- You realise that it was a bit of a stupid question to ask the guard.
- ADDOPT:Attack the guard:attack2
- .--------------------------------.
- | We have escaped from the cell! |
- `--------------------------------'
- PAGE:attack2
- You attack the guard by throwing your leg in to him, causing him to bow
- down holding his stomach. You then punch him in the head several times,
- making him fall to the ground. After jumping over his body, you are are
- greeted by a second guard holding a rifle, so you quickly threw the rock
- you were holding at him, hitting him in the face and instantly knocking
- him out.
- ADDTEXT:Inventory:
- PAGE:guard_room
- The room you are standing in is a small room with lots of various wooden
- boxes around the side of the walls. There is a table in the middle which
- has a light bulb hanging over it from the ceiling. You can also see some
- steps leading down.
- ADDOPTIF:rifle=0:Go to the guard:guard1
- ADDOPTIF:rifle=1:Go to the guard:guard2
- ADDOPT:Go to the table:table1
- ADDOPT:Go back into your cell:cell
- ADDOPT:Go down the steps:steps
- ADDOPT:Look at the boxes:boxes
- PAGE:guard1
- You walk over to guard and see that his face is badly bleeding due to
- the rock you threw at him. You search his body for anything which may
- help you escape, but can only see the rifle he is still holding.
- ADDOPT:Take rifle:take_rifle
- ADDOPT:Go to the table:table1
- ADDOPT:Go back into your cell:cell
- ADDOPT:Go down the steps:steps
- ADDOPT:Look at the boxes:boxes
- PAGE:guard2
- You walk over to guard and see that his face is badly bleeding due to
- the rock you threw at him. You search his body for anything which may
- help you escape, but you do not find anything.
- ADDOPT:Go to the table:table1
- ADDOPT:Go back into your cell:cell
- ADDOPT:Go down the steps:steps
- ADDOPT:Look at the boxes:boxes
- PAGE:take_rifle
- You take the rifle from the guards hand.
- ADDOPT:Go to the table:table1
- ADDOPT:Go back into your cell:cell
- ADDOPT:Go down the steps:steps
- ADDOPT:Look at the boxes:boxes
- LET:rifle=1
- PAGE:cell
- You feel reluctant to go back into your cell, just in case you get locked
- in again, however you eventually re-enter. You can see a bed, a small hole
- in the wall and an unconscious guard.
- PAGE:cell2
- ADDOPTIF:bed=1:Look at the bed:bed
- ADDOPT:Look at the hole:view_hole
- ADDOPT:Look at the guard:guard
- ADDOPTIF:bucket=1:Look at the bucket:bucket
- ADDOPT:Leave the cell:exit_cell
- .--------------------.
- | Guard numero uno |
- `--------------------'
- PAGE:guard
- GOIF:keys1=1:GotKeysFromGuard
- You look closer at the unconscious fat guard. You notice that he is wearing
- a large belt which has some keys on it.
- ADDOPTIF:keys1=0:Take the keys from his belt:takekeys1
- ADDOPTIF:bed=1:Look at the bed:bed
- ADDOPT:Look at the hole:view_hole
- ADDOPTIF:bucket=1:Look at the bucket:bucket
- ADDOPT:Leave the cell:exit_cell
- PAGE:GotKeysFromGuard
- You look closer at the very smelly, unconscious fat guard. You search his
- body but find nothing else.
- ADDOPTIF:bed=1:Look at the bed:bed
- ADDOPT:Look at the hole:view_hole
- ADDOPTIF:bucket=1:Look at the bucket:bucket
- ADDOPT:Leave the cell:exit_cell
- PAGE:takekeys1
- You slowly take the keys of the guards belt, being careful not to wake
- him up.
- LET:keys1=1
- GOTO:cell2
- PAGE:exit_cell
- You leave your cell.
- GOTO:guard_room
- PAGE:view_hole
- You peer through the small wall in the wall, seeing mostly light blue
- sky. You get the feeling that you are high up from the ground. You see
- nothing of any interest.
- GOTO:cell2
- .--------------------.
- | See your own bed |
- `--------------------'
- PAGE:bed
- You look down at your bed. There is blue cover and a white pillow on
- top of the very disgustingly unclean mattress, which looks like it has
- been a feeding place for pigs. You also notice an empty bucket next the
- bed.
- LET:bed=0
- LET:bucket=1
- GOTO:cell2
- .------------.
- | Bucket ? |
- `------------'
- PAGE:bucket
- The bucket is empty.
- LET:bucket=0
- GOTO:cell2
- .---------.
- | Boxes |
- `---------'
- PAGE:boxes
- You have a look at most of the wooded boxes, but there all empty. You
- get the impression that this is some kind of storage room. There is
- nothing of any interest here.
- ADDOPTIF:rifle=0:Go to the guard:guard1
- ADDOPTIF:rifle=1:Go to the guard:guard2
- ADDOPT:Go to the table:table1
- ADDOPT:Go back into your cell:cell
- ADDOPT:Go down the steps:steps
- ADDOPT:Look at the boxes:boxes
- .---------.
- | Table |
- `---------'
- PAGE:table1
- You look at the small square table, which has two wooden stools around it.
- On the table is a pack of cigarettes, some playing cards which
- are spread out all over the table, and an empty box for the cards.
- GOIF:lighter=0:seelighter
- PAGE:table2
- ADDOPTIF:fag=0:Take cigarettes:takefags
- ADDOPTIF:lighter=0:Take lighter:takelighter
- ADDOPT:Leave the table:leave_table
- PAGE:seelighter
- You can also see a lighter.
- GOTO:table2
- PAGE:leave_table
- You step away from the table.
- ADDOPTIF:rifle=0:Go to the guard:guard1
- ADDOPTIF:rifle=1:Go to the guard:guard2
- ADDOPT:Go to the table:table1
- ADDOPT:Go back into your cell:cell
- ADDOPT:Go down the steps:steps
- ADDOPT:Look at the boxes:boxes
- PAGE:takefags
- Sorry, I don't smoke. Smoking is a disgusting habit!
- LET:fag=-1
- GOTO:table2
- PAGE:takelighter
- You take the silver lighter from the table.
- ADDTEXT:Lighter
- LET:lighter=1
- GOTO:table2
- .------------------.
- | Down the steps |
- `------------------'
- PAGE:steps
- You go down the winding steps which seem to go on for ever. The stairway
- would be total darkness if it wasn't for the torches hanging on one
- side of the wall keep the place alight. You get the impression that you
- are walking down a tower.
- GOIF:OpenGate=1:open_gate2
- The stairway comes to an end at a tall metal gate. Through the gate you
- can see a long hallway. There is a red carpet there, with paintings and
- knight armour along the walls. You also see lots of chandeliers hanging
- down from the beautiful white ceiling.
- ADDOPTIF:keys1=1:Open gate:open_gate
- ADDOPTIF:keys1=0:Open gate:gate_locked
- ADDOPT:Go back up the steps:back_up_steps
- PAGE:gate_locked
- You try to push the gate open but it appears to be locked. It becomes
- obvious that it requires a key.
- ADDOPT:Go back up the steps:back_up_steps
- .-----------------------------------------------.
- | Escape from the tower and into the lower caste|
- `-----------------------------------------------'
- PAGE:open_gate
- LET:OpenGate=1
- LET:keys1=0
- You unlock and open the gate. You are stood in the very long hallway.
- Paintings hang from both sides of the wall and several suits of armour
- stand against the sides of the hallway. You suspect that you are in
- some kind of castle. A royal families castle perhaps. But your not quite
- sure. You still have no idea as to why you are here and why it is you have
- to escape.
- ADDOPT:Go up the steps to the guard room:back_up_steps
- ADDOPT:Go further down the hallway:hallway2
- PAGE:open_gate2
- LET:OpenGate=1
- LET:keys1=0
- You are stood in the very long hallway. Paintings hang from both sides
- of the wall and several suits of armour stand against the sides of the
- hallway.
- ADDOPT:Go up the steps to the guard room:back_up_steps
- ADDOPT:Go further down the hallway:hallway2
- PAGE:back_up_steps
- You go back up the steps.
- GOTO:guard_room
- .------------------.
- | In the hallway |
- `------------------'
- PAGE:hallway
- You go back down the hallway to the steps.
- ADDOPT:Go up the steps:back_up_steps
- ADDOPT:Go go down the hallway:hallway2
- PAGE:hallway2
- You walk further down the hallway, passing several large doors, however
- you dare not open them incase you find anyone hostile at the other side.
- You finally come to the end of the hallway. There are three doors.
- A very large door facing you. One to the left and another one to the right
- of you.
- PAGE:BackToHallway
- ADDOPT:Open the facing door:DoorF
- ADDOPTIF:DoorL=0:Open the door to your left:DoorL
- ADDOPT:Open the door to your right:DoorR
- ADDOPT:Go back down the hallway towards the steps:hallway
- PAGE:DoorF
- You examine the large door facing you, however you are unable to find any
- way of opening it. There are no handles or locks. You think that maybe this
- could be a drawbridge.
- GOTO:BackToHallway
- PAGE:DoorL
- GOIF:Guard3=1:GuardAlive1
- You enter the room and see a young girl tied up in a chair, and a dead
- guard lying on the floor next to her.
- PAGE:DoorL2
- ADDOPT:Go to the girl:Girl
- ADDOPTIF:Guard3=0:Go to the guard:Guard3
- ADDOPT:Leave the room:LeaveLRoom
- PAGE:GuardAlive1
- GOIF:rifle=0:GetKilledByGuard
- You slowly open the door, where you see a young girl tied up in a chair
- and a guard standing in the room to the left of her. The guard, totally
- unprepared for your visit here, attempts to rise his weapon, but before
- he has the chance to aim a you, you have already fired at him, hitting
- him in the body and killing him.
- LET:Guard3=0
- ADDOPT:Go to the girl:Girl
- ADDOPTIF:Guard3=0:Go to the guard:Guard3
- ADDOPT:Leave the room:LeaveLRoom
- PAGE:Guard3
- You go up the the dead guard, but see only the weapon he was holding and
- a corpse.
- LET:Guard3=-1
- GOTO:DoorL2
- PAGE:GetKilledByGuard
- You slowly open the door, where you see a young girl tied up in a chair
- and a guard standing in the room to the left of her. The guard looks up at
- you, smiles and then shoots at you in the head.
- Game Over.
- .----------------.
- | Girl tied up |
- `----------------'
- PAGE:Girl
- You go up to the tied up girl and see that she has been crying.
- PAGE:Girl2
- ADDOPTIF:Ques1=0:Ask her why she is here:Ques1
- ADDOPTIF:Ques1=1:Untie her:Untie
- ADDOPT:Leave the room:LeaveLRoom
- PAGE:Ques1
- You ask here why she is here.
- "I am the king's daughter." she says. "And he is forcing me to marry a man
- I don't love this afternoon, but when I tried to run away his guards
- caught me and tied me up here."
- LET:Ques1=1
- GOTO:Girl2
- PAGE:Untie
- GOIF:lighter=0:NoUntie
- You try to untie the princess from the chair, but the ropes are far too
- knotted, so you use your lighter to burn through the rope.
- "If we are to escape, we must lower the drawbridge." she says. "Follow me
- and I'll show you where to lower the bridge."
- You follow the princess to a small room where there is a lever to lower
- the bridge. You pull down the lever, which opens the drawbridge.
- ADDOPT:Escape from the castle:Escape
- PAGE:NoUntie
- You try to untie the princess from the chair, but the ropes are far too
- knotted. It will require an item such as a knife to cut through the rope.
- ADDOPT:Leave the room:LeaveLRoom
- PAGE:LeaveLRoom
- You exit the room, leaving the girl still tied up in the chair.
- ADDOPT:Open the facing door:DoorF
- ADDOPTIF:DoorL=0:Open the door to your left:DoorL
- ADDOPT:Open the door to your right:DoorR
- ADDOPT:Go back down the hallway towards the steps:hallway
- PAGE:DoorR
- The door is locked. You try your keys, but they do not fit the lock.
- GOTO:BackToHallway
- PAGE:Escape
- The princess and you both escape from the castle, and run far away to a
- place where the evil king will never find you both. You later marry the
- beautiful princess and live happily ever after. The end.
- ILBM:EAC:Adventures/Data/TowerEscape/TheEnd.iff
- No one can help you. It's upto you to escape! hahaha!
- .-------------------------------------.
- | That's IT! no more typing for me! |
- `-------------------------------------'